TgExchange Bot allows you to exchange every currency. Place offers that will be exposed in our Channel. When somebody replies to it, you will be connected through Telegram immediately, so you will be able to make a deal!
The best place to exchange currencies.
Powerful chatbot connects people
Exchange currencies
using your favourite messenger
Offers from around the world
and from your local area.
You decide if you want to meet your buyer, or exchange your currencies online.
Various offers in one place
always on time.
Get in touch with our Channel, where you can find newest currency exchange offers.
Let the Bot
be your friend
Applications created as Telegram bot are so beautiful and intuitive. This is what TgExchange be like.
- Be safeand anonymous
- Exchange locallyWith loyal society
- Save moneyOn transaction fees
Our roadmap
RIP localbitcoins.
Hello anonymous transactions.
“Error! Your trade volume has been significant in the past 12 months. Please, verify your ID to continue trading”, this is what appears on localbitcoins and WILL NEVER APPEAR on TgExchange. We do not store any information except your Telegram login. That makes you sure we won’t tell your personal data to anyone.
The most secure and anonymous way to exchange,
with the smallest or 0 fee.
P2P Transactions with 0 fee.
Using Escrow, we provide the smallest fee on the Globe. In future, you can minimise your transactions’ fee to 0 using our Utility Token.
Our bot works with Telegram – a free messenger, but the most secure one. That makes you 100% sure your transactions are safe, anonymous, and cost you the least!
Questions? Problems? Feedback? We would love to hear from you!